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Icon & The Black Roses

9 fans
Also known as Blue Obsession, ICON, Icon And The Black Roses

Country: Portugal
Label: That Authoring Group

Links: Facebook
Official website

Formed in: 1999
Hiatus: 2005-2008

1999-Gothic metal


1999-  Johnny Icon - vocals
2001-  Sean Rose - bass
2011-  Lucien Yorg - guitars
2012-  Arlindo Cardoso - drums
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1999-2002  David (IX) - drums
1999-2003  Ana - vocals
1999-2003  Luis - keyboards
2002-2011  Sebastian Noir - guitars
2002-2011  Mike Thorn - drums
2003-2011  Adam Nox - keyboards
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2011  Luis Fernandes - keyboards
2011  Antonio Agate - keyboards
NA  Jax Cairn - drums

Latest reviews

Yes, you're right, just by reading the genre you almost can imagine how this will sound.
The similarities with Finland's HIM is gigantic, the music is HIM and the singer even breath in the songs like Ville does, it's just in the lyrics...
Review by Malcolm ››

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